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Hello, and welcome to my blog

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:20

Well, I've just had a long day integrating a blogging system in to our news area, and this is the end result. It's early days yet so it's pretty empty, but it will gradually fill with content and become interesting, probably. As for the accompanying picture, it makes no sense, but what could help people warm to this more than a kitten? If anyone has a better idea let me know in the comments.

So, what can you expect from these blogs? Well, for starters...

Unsurprisingly, I'll be posting my thoughts to Jack's blog, Andrew will be maintaining the Developer blog with occasional contributions from myself and others, and our guest writers will be providing their personal insights on the Formula 1 blog.

I hope through this method of posting updates we can keep you in touch more frequently with how things are developing at iGP Manager, and remain relatively informal in the process. One of the reasons the news system never really picked up momentum is it takes time to write well thought articles and sales pitches, and it's pretty dull work. This should be more fun for us and for you, so I hope you enjoy it.