New partnerships & iRacing discount for iGP Manager users

Now available as sponsors in-game are two goliaths of simracing - and Image Space Incorporated (developers of the rFactor series). Also available soon will be Obutto, manufacturer of sim-racing cockpits. We are excited to partner with such prestigious companies within the simracing industry as we continue to update the iGP Manager service. has even launched a special offer for all iGP Manager users, allowing you to get started in the iRacing service for just $5! Click here to access this offer or read on to learn about about the iRacing service.

"iRacing is the ultimate place to go racing online. From NASCAR, to IndyCar, to sports cars and Grand Prix racing, iRacing has it all. All you need is a PC, a gaming wheel or game pad and an Internet connection. iRacing organizes all of the racing for you, or you can choose to host your own race. Either way the competition is as real as it gets – you’ll be racing against motorsports fans who share your passion for racing."

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Jason Prudhoe 12 years 224 days ago
played it a while back, took a while to find the braking on the mazda's and hated the avalible camera angles though, but thats how a racing driver sees it. from someone who used to play other ISI games like rfactor and f1c 99-02 all those years ago as a long term sim racer, i prefered the t cam or bonnet camera rather then the in car shots. but it is a good one though, because the competition is typically nice and tough.
Chris Green 12 years 225 days ago
Being a 2 year member of iracing already I think that this is agreat idea, so for all those who dont know it will take you from being a manager to a driver, look me up if you join for set up help and general information
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