Platon Krasin medal 5000 13 years 93 days ago
I don\'t know what is wrong, but the timezone is wrong. Im in the timezone as moscow, but it shows that race starts at 00:30, but it does 1:30 (may b its because in Russia we now dont switch to winter time)

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 92 days ago
Is your timezone set correctly? Click Account -> Settings from top right of the page. Then next to Time make sure you have the right zone selected. Also, make sure the \"Auto correct Daylight Savings Time\" option is not selected, if you don\'t make the switch to winter time. Make another post if the times are still wrong after that. Thanks.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 92 days ago
Can you tell me what your GMT offset should be in reality? I will look in to this later.

Mart Välja medal 5000 13 years 92 days ago
Russia did not switch from Summer Time to \"Normal time\" this year, maybe this is the reason?
edit: nvm, did not read the #2 post..