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Tire supplier switched itself (confirmation in news feed but not inbox)

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medal 5000
12 years 37 days ago
I had bridgerock tires going into yesterdays race (i do a igp race every day in my league) and just looking at sponsors now theyve changed to donelot tires... although it does say in my news feed i ended my contract offer with bridgerock (i didnt want to and i wasnt aware of the switch ever being made till now) i never received an email in the inbox... now i cant go back to the bridgerock tires for the upcoming race and that has screwed my strategy up.... 
medal 5000
12 years 37 days ago
nvm i have solved the problem... any mods who see this can close the thread...
medal 5000
12 years 37 days ago
medal 5000
12 years 37 days ago
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