Lewis Goodway medal 4947 12 years 356 days ago
the game was lagging the whole race so i had to keep refreshing to see where i was with 3 laps to go at spa i had the lead i pressed Push hard by accident but changed it a second later. then when i refreshed it at the end of the lap i was on push hard and my tyres went red and i lost the race :/

Lewis Goodway medal 4947 12 years 356 days ago
ive been screwed out of a few race wins by your laggy problems and its becoming a joke.

Deuce Loosely medal 5000 12 years 355 days ago
Before one of the Devs asks, please post a link to the race.

Lewis Goodway medal 4947 12 years 355 days ago
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/37674#race is that right?

Jeremy Williams medal 5000 12 years 355 days ago
I need confirmation on this.