Andy Craig medal 5000 7 years 100 days ago
Hi there, just wondering if anything has been done to change the mediums? I know from reading though the fourms recently that the mediums were probably the least favourable tyre to use.
The reason I ask is that I have just won a race where I missed the chance to change from my default strategy in China going M/M/M and also in Spain going SS/M/M
Thanks in advance

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 100 days ago
Medium tire isn't a totally dead compound. It just do same laps as Hard and last less.

Andy Craig medal 5000 7 years 100 days ago
Thought that would be the case, was just wondering. It worked that well in China that all the live viewing managers made strategy changes to use Mediums.
Having a ball playing and getting used to the game none the less!