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headquarters and something (questions) help me

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medal 5000
7 years 96 days ago
Hi all! Im played the game only a short time yet but have been read very much about secrets of the game and want allways to be more competitive and so on ..I have played 17 races and it took 10 (TEN !!) races to understood how to play with tyre temps. I knew firstly that more is better (with tyre temperature) and was amazed cause everything gone like ***********. but right now, I have a winning streak of FIVE RACES and I feel almost like unbeatable (laugh).


Im slowly starting to build up my headquarters and could you answer some questions(like about facts but opinions with arguments are good too:) there is something more Im not sure about but maybe here is some gurus ? :)

1. what are the most important buildings and is there any building what is useless ?

2. I know what manufacturing does but if I (like most managers) have two competitive drivers , is it enough to get two parts (level 2 manufacturing? ) per day if there is a race every day ? much simulator helps with training? how many percent faster is training or something ? ? for example level 1 simulator and level 5 ?

4. im pretty sure that design is the most important cause you get more design points, but how much kers and drs will be improved by technology center? per level or in level 5 or lvl10 or something..? which do you think to give more edge ? (boosting kers or drs) ?

5. how does staff & hospitality works? it promotes minimum morale BUT does it means a) for example im on lvl8 after few of races now and my cd& td have both talent: 6 exp: 13 and morale: 6 . so if i got this building for level 2 ( minimum morale 2) is it waste off all or will that two points of morale added for cd&td (morale 8) or is there some kind of factor how it effects. or c) only when I will reach building level 7 (minimum morale 7 ), my cd& td gonna get something ?

6. have I understood right: when training or watching skills of driver, is three most important values talent, experience and weight ? and maybe morale.. I mean I think its much more better to have a driver who basically has every skill level 5 and weight about 73kg BUT his talent is 15 than same stats but talent is that "basic 5" but fast corners are 15 ( or more realistic every four drive skills are leveled up for ex. 3+2+2+3=10) OR a driver with other stats on level five but experience on 15 OR weight for example 73-->58kg what is huge different i think. 7. some managers are thinking a drivers weight isnt so important but I and many other managers have a totally different opinion: if weight reduced 10kg, cars weight is about same as 10 liters less fuel (3-4 laps) and this 10kg advantage makes a big difference per lap. I think something 0,25-+0,4s per lap ??or maybe more but i think its bullshit its doesnt make more than 0,05s per lap or something ?!

medal 5044
7 years 95 days ago
Hi JJ, welcome to iGP! :)

1. Develop your design, manufacturing, and technology facility first. Don't develop offices and hospitality at all.

2. It depends. If you are able to watch ads for free parts (this lets you earn 10 parts per day maximum), then you don't need to develop the manufacturing facility as often. You can instead consider developing it once in a while or much later as you begin to become a high level manager.

3. The simulator's effectiveness is dependent upon a few factors: how young the driver is, the level of the driver, and how many stars your Doctor has. The younger the driver and the more stars your Doctor has (max 5 stars), the more benefit you get from having a developed simulator. As you train a driver, progress becomes slower the closer their level is to your manager level.

4. Developing the technology facility is very powerful, second in importance after the design facility. Developing KERS lets it last longer in the race. Developing DRS lets the car go faster when DRS is used.

5. I'm not the best person to answer this question.

6. The most important attributes for the driver is talent, stamina, weight, and experience.
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 95 days ago
5. Hospitality. In my experience is a waste of money. The only thing that matters with staff is star rating. If you have a staff member with low morale then developing your hospitality will increase their morale but from observation this makes absolutely no difference to star rating.
With drivers morale can be trained so Hospitality is not necessary.
When scouting for a new driver the most important attribute is Talent because it can't be trained, everything else can be trained except experience which increases as the driver competes in races.
A little tip... When you get a new driver who is not at minimum weight you should train Physical first until weight is minimum and Stamina is 20 and only when you've achieved this should you move focus to a different area.
medal 4997 Moderator
7 years 95 days ago (edited 7 years 95 days ago)
Most is said, just want to add something to 4th. First the improvement to DRS and KERS looks rather unimpressive but if you're in a rather close and competetive league you really want it to be the best you're able to get because there you'll encounter the DRS-train, a row of cars less than a second apart and thus allowed to use DRS every lap. If you're too far behind in Technology, a few level are enough, the better cars overtake yours one by one on the DRS straight even though both are using DRS and your cars end up at the end of the train even if, at this point of the race, your cars could do the (slightly) faster lap times.

Hard to tell which one, DRS or KERS, is more important. In a competition you need DRS every race, almost every lap even. KERS is a tool only used in selected moments and for the final showdown at the end of the race, but having better KERS means having to use it once or twice in the race doesn't inevitably equaling in loosing out against another car in the showdown. In the end I'd say it doesn't matter which one is more important, what does is having the best possible for both.
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