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medal 5000
7 years 81 days ago
I already said my opinion about stats (too poor... you can't even know who won the last season)...

but now I saw that league forgot also the drivers who left the team... so if you want at least know who won the league but the driver was sold... automatically the league is assigned to another drivers.

I think this game has few problems but I fully accept them. The staff is great and always helpful. But you think the people will play season after season without any historical and nice statistics.. I think you are wrong... before or later they will be bored.

Hope for a change
medal 5021 Super Mod
7 years 77 days ago
Great topic, I have been playing this game since July 2012 and I miss this as well. If I go past my championships in other League I played, I neither can see my drivers nor my team marked in standings.
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