Kurtis Greatorex medal 5000 7 years 89 days ago
Hi guys,
Just a quick question does anybody know as a host how to add the second car to a league? I see other leagues have 2 cars id the same racing team.
I have just taken over as host for a league and the other players want there other car in the league.
Can someone explain to me how to do this
Thank you

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 89 days ago
You cannot switch a 1 car league to a 2 car league, or visa versa. You would need to start a new league.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 87 days ago
I think you opened a nice "Suggestion" discussion Kurtis! I think in old iGP we could switch from 1 to 2 cars.

Nitro Nik medal 5000 7 years 86 days ago
It would be unfair if you could switch from 1-2 cars. Half of the people would be kicked out!
2 to 1 car should be allowed though

Kurtis Greatorex medal 5000 7 years 86 days ago
Nitro Nik Why would half the guys in the league be kicked out??
In our league it has been discussed to try and introduce the second car that's why I've opened the discussion because I couldn't do it.

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 7 years 85 days ago
Because in both modes the amount of cars is capped at 32. So a 1 car league can have up to 32 manager/teams per tier and a 2 car league can only have 16 manager/teams per tier.

Jamie R medal 5000 7 years 84 days ago
But technically its not hard capped at 32 :)
I have seen live races with 34 cars running where someone exploited a glitch to join a full league :)

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 7 years 83 days ago (edited 7 years 83 days ago)
Yes, the leagues are just set up that way and 17 teams in a (2car) tier happens quite frequently. But I'm not sure if the race viewer could actually manage 64 cars. Or if that would be much fun as long as overtaking isn't slightly easier or KERS becomes a recharging thing. On the other hand it should be almost impossible for anyone not leading the race to not to get DRS every lap, one way or another.
Thinking about it, 64 cars, KERS recharging 5%/lap and about 0.5seconds DRS distance could be quite interesting races actually.