Dan Pursall medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
Hey guys, title says it all really.
I have done 1 full season and i am now in my 2nd season on igp. But i can't for the life of me figure out why during qualifying my pace is good (always in the top 8), but then come to the race, whether im controlling via the 2d or if im not watching i always finish up 18th or below!?
I am making the same number of stops as the guys who are winning the race, using the same tyres, yet my pace is awful!
Can anyone give me some pinters as to how i can improve this, as its been the same for over a season now and its quite frustrating.
Thanks in advance.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
Hi Dan youre in my league by the looks of things you are pusing too hard at the start of all youre stints and your pace then drops off. Dont push hard at the start keep a good race pace.

Dan Pursall medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
What would you suggest, hold position and then push a little more towards the end of each stint?

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
I would not push tyres to hard at the start and make them go bright red because thats not what you want. I would keep a steady pace not too crazy

Rudolf Tilgass medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
Yeah, manage your tires. Bright red is not good at all.

René van der K medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
And have a look at your driver's physical attributes (ok.. that sounds wrong.)
In a race, (eg) stamina is more of a factor than in qualifying, which could explain the pace difference

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
pretty much you driver has no stamina by looking at his spider web stamina is the core to your race pace.

Roeland W medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
Somehow Stamina is (almost) impossible to train. When you train physical its always loose weight gain health and then one other which is stamina or Reflex. My driver is becoming an anorexia patient with all this weight loss.