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Plus 10 parts a days

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medal 5000
7 years 60 days ago
What if everybody get plus 10 parts a day until you fix the ad system? ?
medal 5000
7 years 55 days ago
Or addy FE 50 parts when somebody is under 20?
medal 5197
7 years 55 days ago
The spare parts are not so important, even the headquarters generates, buying 10 per day is not necessary
There is also a maximum limit for the parts to be collected
The engines are more important, and those are not received for free by looking at advertisements, and this is right
10 however I agree that it is a lot, maybe too much
Maybe 4 could be the right number (2 for car)

But... surely for developers it's a source of income, so many publicity views bring a lot of money, and this is acceptable because it helps to support the game.
So the current system can be fine.
medal 5000
7 years 55 days ago
Yeah the current system is fine! Or was fine. Until it worked. I'm gladly support the game makers with watching videos but it doesnt work for over a month now. Im level 11. The cars take usually 12-14 (2×6-7) parts to repair and if i would have manufacturing at max level (currently) which i do not have (because i was thinking i will get 10 from the videos a day which i do not get for over a month now) even then i cant repair my cars.

Thats why i made this suggestion and just until they repir the ad system. I'll be happy to watch videos for my parts not writing forum posts :)
medal 5000
7 years 53 days ago
the ad system is repaired, i have no issues with it, but then again im mostly on laptop and also i actualy do get my Cooling and Reliability up so i dont need that many parts to repair my cars
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