Nic Morley medal 5000 12 years 350 days ago
I know all the others. Thouh=gh havnent heard of anything like Konehome. I want to know as I'm drawingg up an end of season chart.

Ricardo Umans medal 5000 12 years 350 days ago
For me it sounds like Kumho?

Ricardo Umans medal 5000 12 years 347 days ago
Both are possible actually :P

René van der K medal 5000 12 years 347 days ago
I believe it's Kumho.
Yokohama was initally suggested to be added as Yohahama or Yomahaha or something alike, but didn't make it to the game (yet).

Jeroen Ursem medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
Looking at the logo, it must be Kumho

Lord Alexander Fermor Hesketh medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
Say "Komehome" than say "Yokohama" and than say "Kumho".
If thats not enough, see a doctor. ;-)