Gavin Calthorpe medal 5000 7 years 72 days ago
Was training my driver, got to 100 and when it ticked over it said no change, was training on 'All' and he's not maxed on stats? Any ideas?

Hein Gummi medal 5106 7 years 72 days ago
It is because the stats for "physical" are on the maximum (stamina 20 and weight 51). If you are training all categories, the system tries to improve the stamina although it is not possible anymore. I was just facing the same problem. You must switch to train only mental or driving skills!

Hein Gummi medal 5106 7 years 72 days ago
Your female driver can be trained down to a weight of 46kg while male drivers can reach a minimum weight of 51

Gavin Calthorpe medal 5000 7 years 72 days ago
Thanks, thought all would just choose one of the other non-maxed bits.