Hard and Medium are always like 3 to 4% of tire wear
Yes, but in the future with the development the tires could be differentiated a little bit more
The hard tires for example we all know that they are too performing, too unbalanced
(but this is another question)
However, the consumption of tires is not always a constant, but varies with track characteristics and temperature
Ok, a good manager is writing the data, but I'm going back to say it's worth when the car is already mature and at the highest levels.
During growth, to choose the optimal strategy to use, if a manager is careful, it is important to know how all the tires behave on every track, consumption and timing.
And 5 laps are not enough, sometimes not even enough to find the perfect setup according to the riders.
You do not have to assume that all the managers write the data of each race, this is done only by those who are expert and know how to play seriously, especially the novices do not and do not even think about doing it.
When I started playing is the first "defect" I found, why try only for 5 laps ???
5 laps are nothing!
In reality in free practice I do not know by regulation how many laps can do, and if they are limited, but certainly not only 5 laps