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Lock inactive leagues

Would you like to see this system in the game ?

88.46% (46)
Yes, could be a good thing
11.54% (6)
No, it is useless
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7 years 60 days ago
To my mind, that game has a major problem.
New players join leagues without taking care where they go at. And they go into leagues with inactive hosts, play with inactive players and then become inactive players as well.

I saw somewhere in the forum that inactive accounts for 28 days get kicked out of their leagues. That's a good thing. That's why there must be something like that for leagues too.
Leagues with inactive hosts for 28 days should be unjoinable. So people in those leagues are stuck together and no one else can join them.
And then at the end of the season, you kick the active players (inactive players for 28 days are kicked during the season) out of the league so you can delete it and they will have to find a new league to join.
This will not be a big deal for those players because they won't have to pay penalties and they will find real competition which can only be good for the game.

Even for the workload of the servers of the game it could be a good thing. Less leagues equals less races to load.
Doesn't it bother you when you can't access the raceviewer ?
7 years 60 days ago
I agree, the only concern I have with this is active players who do get kicked out at the end of the season will lose most of there design points for the next seasons. However this is a small price to pay if it helps consolidate leagues of more active players.

100% yes

Simon, if a player leaves his/her League during season brake, there isn't any penalty. This is why Mini's idea is so GOOD!!
This could really be implemented in the game.

Switching the psoition of host to someone who is very active within the said league that has the inactive hostl will resolve the problem.
The other thing that they need to do is show the percentage of each league as both on a whole and for each of the three categories; Rookie, Pro & Elite. This will be the only info that's needed so that people can make an informative decision when wanting to join a league.

Really I thought there was not financial penalty but there was still a performance penalty even if it was the end of the season. Can someone confirm?

Mini's idea is so GOOD!!
This could really be implemented in the game.

Thank you.

Switching the psoition of host to someone who is very active within the said league that has the inactive hostl will resolve the problem.

That's something I thought about. You could give the host to the guy that has the more races in that league. (inactive players would have 28 max) But less leagues also equals to better leagues...
And why would you give responsabilities to someone that doesn't want them ? Because if he wanted so, he could have created his own league or ask Yunus to get the host of that league...
The other thing that they need to do is show the percentage of each league as both on a whole and for each of the three categories; Rookie, Pro & Elite. This will be the only info that's needed so that people can make an informative decision when wanting to join a league.

That's not completely true. Leagues can be full of inactive players. And so they are not better than leagues where there are only 4 very active players in Rookie...
But there should be a percentage of Reputation points on the page where you search for leagues. Not only reputation points because when you are new you don't know what does it mean. But if you see 43,52% (4352 Rep pts) you know it's less good than 65,20% (6520 Rep pts)
Otherwise if you only see points, you may think it's a ranking and thinking 4352 is better ranked than 6520...

I know when I took a season break (due to real life commitments) and went back to the same league, I lost all my performance points. It is fairly easy to find out whether a league is active or not, just by looking at the player stats of the league host, chat screen and the tyre choices of the last couple of races for the lead drivers..

Ya'll just took all the fun outta getting a spam league. Start one up, get teams, and let it run itself. You can call me a troll for saying so, but what league boss doesn't skip out? And what's messed up is that I've seen this firsthand again and again.
7 years 59 days ago
Stop punishing players(both financial and performance) who switch leagues during the season would be a good way to let inactive leagues auto-delete them selves (due to the 28 days inactivity kick off).
7 years 59 days ago
Yes its true
7 years 58 days ago
No there is no money penalty for changing a championship running: good.
As in other games happens:
- 30 days not connected and the player is pushed out of the league
- if is pushed out the championship manager the manager automatically became the strongest player
- if alla players leave a league, the league disappear
7 years 58 days ago
Stop punishing players(both financial and performance) who switch leagues during the season would be a good way to let inactive leagues auto-delete them selves (due to the 28 days inactivity kick off).

You are no longer financially punished when quitting your league, or you can ask Yunus to give you your money back.
No there is no money penalty for changing a championship running: good.
As in other games happens:
- 30 days not connected and the player is pushed out of the league
- if is pushed out the championship manager the manager automatically became the strongest player
- if alla players leave a league, the league disappear

Your 1st and 3rd point are part of my suggestion.
And I explained why the 2nd is useless.
why would you give responsabilities to someone that doesn't want them ? Because if he wanted so, he could have created his own league or ask Yunus to get the host of that league...
5235 CEO & CTO
7 years 51 days ago
The main criticism I have of this suggestion is that if the league is frozen then the active players within it are unfairly punished. One way around this may be to notify them as soon as the league has been frozen, and give them a way to leave without penalties.

For example, perhaps they receive a mail saying "Inactive host - Your league host has not logged in for X days, therefore we have restricted access so that new participants can not join. You may leave to join another league if you wish, without penalties, here are some recommendations: XYZ"

How does that sound? I think that works around my concern about the idea. I voted "yes" by the way, I like this idea when combined with some secondary measures like those above.
7 years 51 days ago
How does that sound?

I vote "yes" to your suggestion. ^^
Mine was just an idea to work on. If yours is something that can happen, I've no problem with that :D
7 years 50 days ago
that would be awesome. also, is it true, we dont get financial or design penalties if we switch leagues on season break? thanks.
5235 CEO & CTO
7 years 50 days ago
that would be awesome. also, is it true, we dont get financial or design penalties if we switch leagues on season break? thanks.

Hi Tony, yes, that's correct.
7 years 50 days ago
Hopefully that problem gets sorted by the devs. Would be great to scrap inactive ones so new players join active leagues as soon as they start playing. Less leagues, more activity
7 years 50 days ago
Also is there any news about new race formats that there was talk about
7 years 49 days ago
they receive a mail saying "Inactive host - Your league host has not logged in for X days, therefore we have restricted access so that new participants can not join. You may leave to join another league if you wish, without penalties, here are some recommendations: XYZ"

Hi Jack,

Sorry to bother you but, my mind is set to kill those tons of useless leagues so, I have one more idea.
Of course it's just an idea, you don't need to take that suggestion as a all or nothing...

What about freeze league with low reputation ?
Like < 5000 or < 4500 reputation points you do what you said. You freeze the league, or you warn that the league will be freezed at the end of the season or whatever ?

I have the feeling, we, both players and servers, really need less but better leagues :)

Also is there any news about new race formats that there was talk about

Can you make your own thread please ?
7 years 49 days ago
Maybe if, when you start the game for the first time, after choosing the desired race time, a ranking of leagues will appear, with the reputation, and then enter the one you believe most accurate.
7 years 48 days ago
a ranking of leagues will appear, with the reputation.

The other thing that they need to do is show the percentage of each league as both on a whole and for each of the three categories; Rookie, Pro & Elite. This will be the only info that's needed so that people can make an informative decision when wanting to join a league.

That's not completely true. Leagues can be full of inactive players. And so they are not better than leagues where there are only 4 very active players in Rookie...
But there should be a percentage of Reputation points on the page where you search for leagues. Not only reputation points because when you are new you don't know what does it mean. But if you see 43,52% (4352 Rep pts) you know it's less good than 65,20% (6520 Rep pts)
Otherwise if you only see points, you may think it's a ranking and thinking 4352 is better ranked than 6520...
7 years 45 days ago
The main criticism I have of this suggestion is that if the league is frozen then the active players within it are unfairly punished. One way around this may be to notify them as soon as the league has been frozen, and give them a way to leave without penalties.

For example, perhaps they receive a mail saying "Inactive host - Your league host has not logged in for X days, therefore we have restricted access so that new participants can not join. You may leave to join another league if you wish, without penalties, here are some recommendations: XYZ"

How does that sound? I think that works around my concern about the idea. I voted "yes" by the way, I like this idea when combined with some secondary measures like those above.

I agree, it would serve
5235 CEO & CTO
7 years 42 days ago
I just implemented a new rule whereby the league select page will attempt to only show leagues with hosts that have logged in within the last 3 days. If none are found it will revert to a more simplistic search, but this should help the most populated languages in the game from being suggested inactive leagues. This change alone should effectively kill inactive leagues off, and it may not be necessary to add more layers like outright "locking" as suggested.

I do think it will still be beneficial in the long run to add some kind of way for people to leave leagues with inactive hosts more easily, though. So I will look in to that some more.
7 years 42 days ago
Another idea would be to point new players to the leagues that are most active. Some leagues have very active pro and elite but hardly any players in rookie.
7 years 42 days ago
My league is very active for Elite and struggling to hold numbers in Pro and Rookie is very bad... My Pro league has 12 active managers and my Rookie, usually struggles with around 7. I could do with a waiting list for Elite as that has a very low drop off, currently running in the high 20's of active managers.
7 years 42 days ago
Another idea would be to point new players to the leagues that are most active. Some leagues have very active pro and elite but hardly any players in rookie.

That's a very good idea. Bump for that one.
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