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Tyre usage

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medal 5000
7 years 21 days ago
At what % does tyre start to be slow? Im having a race tommorow and im not sure about my stints with the hard tyre. The tire usage was 3% in free practice on the Hard compound. For how long will this tyre lap similar times? Thanks in advance
medal 5000
7 years 21 days ago
i use tires until about 70% usage, but the tire turns red after 50% i believe, as far as lap times go, you might see a second of slow down from tire usage, but less fuel combats that and alot of the time you will do faster lap times even at 70% tire usage
medal 5000
7 years 21 days ago
i use tires until about 70% usage, but the tire turns red after 50% i believe, as far as lap times go, you might see a second of slow down from tire usage, but less fuel combats that and alot of the time you will do faster lap times even at 70% tire usage

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