Alan Harper medal 5000 7 years 56 days ago
Whas the point in racing with hard tyres being so quick? No strategy, no watching race......no changes to push level..might as well stop playing tbh.

Cody Taylor medal 5000 7 years 56 days ago
Yunus has confirmed in other threads that the developers are aware of this problem. They do intent on changing the dynamics of the tire.

Black Dragon medal 4847 7 years 51 days ago
Let's wait...
Just this evening ... Singapore city circuit ... me and my friend we have cars with very similar characteristics ... second stint with almost the same amount of fuel ... I with the tires M him with the tires H ... we would start immediately with the same times and at the end of the stint he was slightly faster ........... this in reality would be impossible! :-/

Pavle Jovanovski medal 5000 7 years 44 days ago
Hards can compete with SS AND S, well that is some bs if you ask me.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 44 days ago
ok, if you haven't noticed, the devs have already announced that they are going to fix the problem. There is no need to bring this up again now.

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 44 days ago
Jesus christ how many hard tires problem have I encountered?It is not a bug,it is Medium being useless as f*ck.SS and S is useless for long runs cause more pitstop.Hard is useless when it comes to Belgium GP and European GP.Every tires are useless in one or another situation.This is not F1.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 44 days ago
@Duc Anh. We'll said, I feel your frustration, I am also fed up of the constant moaning about hard tyres. They are not the "fit and forget" magic tyre that everyone makes them out to be. In MJL Elite two stints on hards very rarely win a race. Whatever is done to recalibrate the tyres there will always be an optimum tyre strategy for a given temperature and if that is mediums after recalibration the same people will moan that this is also unrealistic. As for Ultra-soft.... No thank you.