Siwyalf Siwyalf medal 5000 7 years 53 days ago
Guys i need help...
I has no time to play so i loose my good drives on this and on my second account... - no recontract :(
Im looking for new drivers. Which of them is better ? Im lvl 14 and 15...
1. Tal 20, fc 17, sc 17, def 16, att 16, comp 1, exp 20, foc 15, mor 18, know 1, sta 17, wei 51kg, lvl 11
2. Tal 18, fc sc att def - all of them 19,
Com 3, exp 16, foc 15, mor 19, kno 3, sta 19, wei 51kg, lvl 13
3. Tal, fc, sc, att, def - 18
Com 3, exp 11, foc 19, mor 19, kno 3
Sta 18, wei 51kg, lvl 12
Please help me

Gerard VC I medal 5427 7 years 53 days ago
take the drivers #2 & #3 and also train them

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 53 days ago
Take the first driver as he is lower in terms of lvl so he can be trained more(more training progress as he's lvl 11 and others are lvl 12 and 13),Talent also plays a big role especially in Elite tier so I think he's the best choice

Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 7 years 52 days ago
From that level on all that matters is talent and age. Talent because it's a very strong skill and can't be trained and age because younger trains better and thus takes less time to get up into the level cap and fix anything else that the driver might be worse in than the competition. Plus that better training can spare you the expenses for a proper doctor, which can be quite needed to fix the balance sheet because this kind of driver doesn't comes cheap. So I'd suggest to get your Youth Academy up to service to catch a nice (couple if 2 car league) 20 talent to train up before finances eat all the token you'd need to do that.
So I'd vote for number 1 unless older than 27 or 28 and one of the others is significantly (5 years+) younger and cheaper.