Luca Stratek72 medal 5193 7 years 51 days ago
today I bought 180 T For the value of 15 € the transaction with the credit card was successful but I do not have the tokens purchased. How can I get my tokens back?

Luca Stratek72 medal 5193 7 years 51 days ago
now bought 40 T, Is the game what did you do? He gave me the first 180 but now you do not give me 40 I just bought! I kindly wait for the 40 tokens I have just bought and paid 5 euros !! thank you

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 50 days ago
Hi, sorry for the late response.
Please e-mail support@igpgames.com providing the following information so I may award the Tokens manually:
1) The receipt(s) you received via e-mail from Google Play or Apple
2) The e-mail address for your iGP Manager account if there is one
3) Your team name and league name

Luca Stratek72 medal 5193 7 years 50 days ago
ok thanks, I sent all my e-mail and luromare@libero.it