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I want some Improvements...

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medal 5000
7 years 31 days ago
This game make me bored... i want some leagues inactive should be deleted and the other member who kicked by delete league because inactive league should transfer to active league who have active host.

And i think this game manager should have some improvement from this game experience... if not this game will lose competitiveness with the other like this games.

I hope in near future devs make this game interesting and always update with real in F1
medal 5006
7 years 30 days ago
I had for a long time the same thoughts.
But i realise how difficult it is to make really fast really big updates. I believe theyre busy with improve this game. It would be much better when they gived us or showed us somewhere a small list what theyre doing and what will happen first and second etc..etc.. to let people understand they're busy with new updates.

Have given my thoughts before about this but still didn't see it coming.
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