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No qualy results, can't connect, and race has finished after 5 minutes.

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medal 5000
7 years 33 days ago
Dear Support,

Please help.
Today our race was scheduled at 18:00, however there were no qualifying result in the 10 minutes before race. I tried to connect, however after multiple failed attempts I have received a "race has finished" message at 18:05.

This was the same for more members of the league.

I have tried from windows 10/Mozilla 58.0, and also from the latest android app.

Our race ID was:

What can we do in such cases?

Thank you in advance.
medal 4992
7 years 33 days ago
Same problem in our league League ID 373
medal 5000
7 years 33 days ago
I confirm tha probelm
medal 5088
7 years 33 days ago
Hi, sorry for the late response. There was a brief interruption for a specific set of races, but they should have begun shortly after the issue happened. Were any of you able to live manage?
medal 5000
7 years 33 days ago
Hi, thank you for the response.
My league mates told me after that they were able to log in eventually, around 18:20.
The race was in a delay only running in it's 4th lap. After this it has finished without problems at around 18:44 as I saw in the race results.
medal 5000
7 years 32 days ago
I was able To connect And play at 18.30 But It did Not allow me To Cancel One pit stop. I was 2nd And finished 6th because of this
medal 5088
7 years 32 days ago
I was able To connect And play at 18.30 But It did Not allow me To Cancel One pit stop. I was 2nd And finished 6th because of this

Was this on the app or on a PC?
medal 5000
7 years 31 days ago
It was on the app for Android on a Samsung Galaxy tab
medal 5000
7 years 31 days ago
I was able To connect And play at 18.30 But It did Not allow me To Cancel One pit stop. I was 2nd And finished 6th because of this

Was this on the app or on a PC?

App for Android on a Samsung Galaxy tab
medal 5088
7 years 20 days ago
Hi Frant, I have a very strong suspicion this was due to the slight issue with races starting late. I have added some tokens to your account for the unfortunate problem you experienced.
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