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Lower minimum temperature from 10c

Lower Minimum Temperature from 10c

37.14% (13)
Yes, lower it to 5c
40% (14)
Yes, remove all together even if have minus -3c races
22.86% (8)
No, keep it at 10c
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medal 5002
7 years 28 days ago
I rembember the reasons why it was introduced (around 2013 time) from what I recall was that you put a limit of 10c because we were having races at -2 to -5 meaning on soft tyres you spent for 6 laps on full push 5/5 waiting to get tyres up to temperature which is very boring obviously.

But those reason don’t apply as much on this new game for 2 reasons,

1= we now have super soft tires which heat up easier.

2= and most importantly you now start tyres from optimum temperature (grey) rather than Dark Blue stone cold tires on old game.

Because of this I’m not sure we need a limit or maybe just a lower limit as all we seem to do lately is 10c races all the time, maybe lowering it will create a bit more variety in temperatures.

Minus -6c is probably too low though and Hards at tracks would 5/5 push all stint if it’s minus degrees so I’d go for just lowering the limit for now and see how it goes.

5c seems a reasonable start
medal 5000
7 years 27 days ago
I agree, 10 degrees every race is getting a bit samey.
medal 5002
7 years 14 days ago
well not alot of people bothered to vote on this so can't say for sure exactly what people want, but out of 19 people to vote only 5 want it kept at 10c but would the guys that voted for complete removal of the temperature limit (5 people) chose the other 'yes' answer to lower it to 5c if the only option were limit of 5c or limit of 10c like now? ( i assume they would by no guarantees but still then only 14 votes to 5 )
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