Stephen Fizer medal 5000 7 years 37 days ago
Just wondering what most of you are doing for the car setup. Are you actually using the recommended setup for each driver or are you going with your own setup and taking less downforce out and lowering the car more in hopes of obtaining more speed?
Then on the strategies, what is your opinion on pit stops, 2 vs. 3 stops, do you use the pit lane delta versus the speed and wear percentages of the faster tire?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 37 days ago
Moved to the help & support forum.

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 7 years 36 days ago
Most of the time I go with the recommended setup. The only exception is when I expect the weather to change and think setting up for different conditions than the current ones might be better.
Number of pitstops depend on the track. It's indeed the pit lane delta* vs fuel weight, expected tyre speed (not to forget to account for push level differences) and wear, plus maybe strategic goals.
*who haven't read it yet, see Joey's advanced guide for pit stop times and other very usefull information, keep in mind actual pit stop times may slightly differ depending on the standing time and might be noticeably longer if other cars interfere/block

Felipe Amaral medal 5000 7 years 26 days ago
Question: Should I take the word of a driver or the test timming? He insist to level up or down a Wing/Ride, but if I do, he do worst timing on the track (same tyres of course).

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 7 years 26 days ago (edited 7 years 26 days ago)
As said I go with the drivers suggestion, although I haven't done any tests there. The trouble with lap times is that they are not reliable at all either. For example one of my drivers did 1:18.768, 1:18.156 and 1:18.306 test lap times. While one lap seems to be quite a bad setup and one looks like the best the truth is that all of those laps are exactly the same setup, tyre and conditions, just the driver messing up that lap more or less badly (rather extreme difference though, usually best and worst lap on same conditions is about 0.3 seconds apart). The best we could do to test is doing 4 laps each setup (2 each driver) and then hope the average isn't still too messed up to gather any meaningfull data, but that means only 2 setups could be tested each race.
Edit: It gets better though, once Mental skills are up the lap times are a lot more consistent.