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Car Setup Question

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medal 5000
6 years 362 days ago
Hi, I noticed a bunch of time until now (I've been playing for months now) that sometimes drivers make better times in practice when they're not satisfied with the setup of the car, than when they "think" you've got the best setup. Now my question is: Has anyone tried to race with the car set up "badly" and what are the results in your experience?
medal 5000
6 years 362 days ago
One of my driver's knowledge is bad (2 from 20 actually). Other one's knowledge is ok, so i trust him. The thing is the one with the bad knowledge gets the ride height always right (i know it from my other driver, because they have the same height), but he guesses the wing 1 or 2 lower than the other one. And he also sets better lap times when i don't trust him. So my advice would be that: If you see your "bad setup" does well in practice, try it again to see if it is consistent. And if it's consistent, I think it is worth to use the "bad setup". But i have to say, my bad setup is just a little bit different than the suggested one, so i don't know what would happen if it would be too different. I hope this helped you:)
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