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Bugs Simulador, Tecnologia e Academia de Jovens - Bugs Simulator, Technology and Youth Academy

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medal 5000
7 years 19 days ago

Translated by Google
Good night dear. I do not speak English, so I turned to our old friend for translation.
On the Seat tab, it appears that "my current maximum level is 8" but the Simulator is locked, with the message "Available at level 3", Available Technology at level 5 and Youth Academy "Available at level 7" . How do I do? It seems to be a bug in the game.


Traduzido by Google
Prezados, boa noite. Eu não falo inglês, então recorri ao nosso velho amigo para tradução.
Na aba Sede, Aparece que "meu nível máximo atual é 8" porém, o Simulador encontra-se bloqueado, com a mensagem "Disponível no nível 3", Tecnologia "Disponível no nível 5" e Academia de Jovens "Disponível no nível 7". Como faço? Parece ser um bug do jogo
medal 5088
7 years 19 days ago
Hi Gustavo,

Yes, this is a visual bug. When you are developing a facility, this is the only time you see these messages, despite being eligible to develop these facilities.

Also, while a facility is being upgraded, you cannot upgrade or build another facility. Only one at a time.
medal 5000
7 years 18 days ago
Ok I'll carry out the tests and I'll bring the feedback
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