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Doctor stars... very strange......

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medal 5403
6 years 359 days ago
Yesterday, thanks to a little luck in the auctions, I bought these two doctors ...
But I can not really understand the evaluation of the stars, it seems absurd o_0

medal 5088
6 years 359 days ago
I don't have an explanation for it myself. The talent, experience, and morale don't have any effect on the performance or star rating of the staff.

I would focus purely on the star rating. The more, the better.
medal 5403
6 years 359 days ago

I imagined, in fact I considered more the stars
Ok, thanks Yunus ;)
medal 4997 Moderator
6 years 358 days ago
Yes, that's something I'm wondering about too. It might be some rounding issue and that the stars are calculated from the original unrounded value or rounded a different way than the level displayed. While experience shouldn't have an effect there were some reports that it does might affect level, but if it does it seems to do less so than age.

But if staff levels is mostly only of academical use, so back to practical: If I have the choice between 2 staff of same level but different star ratings I choose the one with higher stars and if it's two of same stars rating but different level I take the higher level.
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