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Collisions, crashes and all that

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medal 5000
7 years 15 days ago (edited 7 years 14 days ago)
Maybe someone have already suggested that, maybe not even once, but I'm still going to try. It really disappoints me, that there are absolutely no race events, like maldonading, various rules violations, penalties for those, engine breakdowns or even intentional collisions. That would make the gameplay way more interesting.
Also my other suggestion (more like an add-on) is to connect probability of a rule violation to the pilot's attributes, like high defending and composure attributes mean high probability of forcing people out of the track; high attacking and moral - a guy is going to attempt agressive attacks and/or other combinations.
Of course it's pretty much not going to work with those high level "all 20"s, but it would make it more interesting to play for low and mid level. And it also can make mental attributes affect at least little something :^)
medal 5000
7 years 14 days ago
I really hope there first part gets added.
medal 5000
7 years 14 days ago
I do think randomly generated breakdowns, where the probability of a failure is affected by your reliability points and parts wear level, would make the game more realistic and exciting, albeit frustrating when you lose a good finish through no fault of your own. I also would like to have the ability to repair a car by less than a full repair. It’s not a problem for me because of ads but I know some guys who struggle for parts playing on desktop and it would be good if they could do a partial repair if they only have a few parts available.
medal 5000
7 years 14 days ago
Maldonading sounds good, but I'm not sure I like it. If I benefit from someones crash, victory is not that valuable. And if my driver crashes... that's no fun at all. Life is unfair to racing managers sometimes, at least here the best team always wins and I like it.
It would be ideal to make league hosts able to choose if to switch crashes on or not.

Unfortunately, you are not the first one to make this suggestion. Very unlikely this will be added to the game.
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