David Brady medal 5000 12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
+ 1.
Have to agree with most of the above, if no1 pays then nothing gets developed and you have nothing to play [unless the money tree in the garden pays for the server etc]
Moaned that the game was too easy to win if you played for free - got 2d controls [ & TBH i've not seen 1 post saying thank you]
now moaning that paying members can you do liverys - apart from being able to view the 2d track & choosing when to use KERS its pretty much all i get for subscribing
So IMO either/or [or a compromise]
Free members -
[*]Have access to less facilitys or a level cap [e.g. 7]
[*]Recieve less xp per race [~25 instead of 40]
[*]Less driver/staff training
[*]Not allow promotion to Elite or create another section above elite that will only be available to subscribers
[*]Only allow 1 car per team
[*] Limit amount of money that can be in balance [e.g. 25m]
Paid members -
[*]Have access to new facilitys [only available for subscribers] or even just improve the existing ones [250/300 staff instead of the 200 limit, have a kers bar that is twice the size {or 1 bar to be used during the race and another bar equal to 1 lap length for a fastest lap}, improved weather station 10-15mins as well as 1-5mins & improved weather station/test rig [1-2% increase]
[*]Recieve more xp per race [50-60 instead of 40]
[*]Recieve bonus xp for being a subscriber [e.g. 100xp per month]
[*]Have increased number of test runs [10 instead of 5]
[*]More driver/staff training
and prob a lot more i cant be bothered thinking about just now..... Maybe this should be a suggestion all of its own