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The best sponsors

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medal 5000
7 years 10 days ago
Has anyone else noticed the amount of managers on the first page of the HoF that have iRacing as a sponsor?
16/20 have iRacing sponsorship and 5/16 (who are all in the top 12) have the iRacing logo on their car twice! I think I'm on to something here!
medal 5000
7 years 10 days ago
I think iRacing is used alot cause it gives 3 tokens which can compensate money loss(if you have one) and that doesn't include secondary sponsor bonuses.
medal 4987 Moderator
7 years 9 days ago
Yes, I also have never signed any other primary sponsor than iRacing because it's the best paying 3 token sponsor and the ones with less token don't pay enough to compensate it, especially considering it's bonus which means unless you win every race you might loose out on that.
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