Ayvaz Çakmaklı medal 5000 7 years 20 days ago
I want to change my profile picture in the game but no matter what I tried(different browser, different resolutions etc.) it doesn't work. How can I change my picture?

Michael Raetselhaft medal 5000 7 years 20 days ago
The same for me. I uploaded a new picture more than a day ago, but nothing changed since then.

Alex Valley medal 5000 7 years 20 days ago
Don't worry, your new picture will be uploaded in a day or two. Don't know why such a delay though.

Rafael Almeida medal 5000 7 years 17 days ago
Hello I already changed my profile photo more than two days and so far has not updated. I have other accounts and also do not update on these. but some images, which I do not want to use, are loaded. have any specific type of image (size, shape, position)?

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 17 days ago