Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 338 days ago
I just tried to watch tonight's race on my phone as I normally do, but I keep getting directed to the Java download page.
Is this part of the Q1 patch?

Jeremy Williams medal 5000 12 years 338 days ago
Sadly yes, You need Java to run both Viewers now.
What Phone do you own?

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 338 days ago
Oh, that's a shame. It's kinda important to me be able to view the races on my phone, for the times I can't be at my computer :/
I have a Samsung Omnia7 - WP7
I'd planned to subscribe to get 2D while at my desk, but catch the other races on the move on my phone.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 338 days ago
I'll see what I can do about this. As far as I knew this wasn't working on mobile at all before, but it's good to hear it was for some.
We'll be making mobile one of our top priorities for Q2 (once we get over these glitches of the new patch).

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 337 days ago
It was working really well, with automatic updates.
Any chance of having it as a 3rd option?

Kringle Beast medal 5000 12 years 337 days ago
Hmm, looking into this a little bit, it appears android devices don't have a Java as such to get this working, however they use software called Dalvik to convert Java's .class files into a .dex file. Maybe it's possible Jack to turn Java into something Dalvik can use, and thereby actually creating a crude but simple and effective "IGP app"?
My ability to code is pretty shakey so I couldn't explore the idea further, but surely it's possible? It would be absolutely superb for me as I work shifts and I end up watching the timing screen wishing I could do something about my tyres!
Food for thought anyway...

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 337 days ago
Interesting! I have the misfortune of using Java in my day job, and I've never heard of Dalvik.
Of course, it'll be no use to those of us with WP7 phones :)
A simple HTML solution like we had before would be great.

Marc Royster medal 5000 12 years 337 days ago
The live timing was working previously for me as well. It was nice to check the timings when I wasn't around a computer.

Gareth Brett medal 5000 12 years 330 days ago
Live timing WAS working on 3DS before XD Maybe add an option without java for people who use phones and 3DS's?

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 330 days ago
Just as a post-though, would it be a good idea to think about possibly creating a mobile app for iGP? So that we can log into our account via the app and watch the race. It certainly would be great for me for when I'm not at home and want to still watch it :)

Benny Ecclestone medal 5000 12 years 326 days ago
I also have a WP7 device (Nokia Lumia 800). I used to be able to watch the 1d timing on the phone, but now cannot as i get directed to the java download page. It would be good if you could create a Windows Phone 7 app to interface with iGP. Thanks,

Neil Williams medal 5000 12 years 325 days ago
Ive got a Sony Ericsson X10i that I used to be able to watch the timings on.
Obviously now there are race controls available that has had to be implemented by Java and thus doesnt work anymore.
How about bringing back the previous non-Java version as a third option for just viewing the lap times?

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 324 days ago
I've just added a third option for "Mobile" Live Timing which avoids use of Java (no chat or live control).
You can try it out now by
spectating a race.

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 324 days ago
Just tried it now on my WP7 phone - it works well! :o)
I used it to spectate a race.
Thanks for adding this feature! I feel like I won't be competing blind any more.

Neil Williams medal 5000 12 years 324 days ago
Thanks Jack that gives us back a great thrid option :-)