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medal 5000
7 years 18 days ago (edited 7 years 18 days ago)
Several of my research areas are red and are deemed "unlikely to find gains in this area." I had only four of the eight areas to be researched last race with a research power of 11%, and I still only gained +1 for all four. How high does research power have to be in order to see bigger gains? Or am I better off researching all areas including ones that are deemed unlikely to find gains?
medal 5588
7 years 18 days ago
Hi. Don't research the red areas !!! You lost research for others areas !!! Only select the areas (not red) with high differences between the highest car and you will win more points. It will be better to select 2 or 3 areas...
medal 4997 Moderator
7 years 18 days ago (edited 7 years 18 days ago)
It depends. The gains are that percentage of research power taken from the difference between your team and the team that's highest in that attribute. So for 11% to gain 2 points the difference has to be 10 points (the result is always rounded up). If the difference is 6 points you'd need 17% research power, for 4 you'd need 26%.

Also that's why some are red, there you're the, or among the, best and any percentage from 0 would simply result in 0 gains and putting any research into those would just waste that research power while (possibly) lowering the other results. Unless you're sure you can't improve the other results and are betting on the competition making a last minute car improvement there.

Easy enough system but it can take some thinking to get the most out of it. ;-)
medal 5000
7 years 17 days ago
Okay. What should I do if everything is red?
medal 5044
7 years 17 days ago
Okay. What should I do if everything is red?

You won't make any gains in research until somebody is ahead of you in a given research area.
medal 4997 Moderator
7 years 17 days ago
Okay. What should I do if everything is red?
Be happy to have the best car in everything. ;-)

In that case I'd mark all the not yet maxed attributes out of the big 4 or maybe the 4+1, so if someone else makes a last second car upgrade before a race I'd be able to salvage a point or two.

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