Guritno Bagus Phambudi medal 5033 7 years 17 days ago
My car ability gone after yesterday maintenance, for example, i had 70 points for acceleration, but after the maintenance its gone and only had 36 points, how do i could fix it?

Paweł Kotowski medal 5000 7 years 17 days ago
Mam podobny problem po skończeniu sezonu też spada dlaczego

Paweł Kotowski medal 5000 7 years 17 days ago
Ktoś wie dlaczego tak jest

Guritno Bagus Phambudi medal 5033 7 years 16 days ago
Nie rozumiem również, dlaczego tak się dzieje, ale kiedy idzie do pro, to się nie dzieje
I don't know why did it happen, it not happened when i uprising to pro level

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 16 days ago
This is normal after the end of a season. Your car for the new season is developed during the previous season based on the Chief Designer active for each race.
When the new season begins your new car design is applied to the car.