Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
In my last race (Malaysia) I set my drivers (Sen and Kadam) to pit twice, both on the same strategy:
Starting: 35L on Hards
Stop 1: Add 35L, take new Hards
Stop 2: Add 38L, take new Hards
Yet Sen stopped three times and Kadam retired with no fuel???
If you'll look at the race reports:
Sen (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/48404/17147)
Kadam (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/48404/2996)
You can see that both drivers pitted on lap 15 despite having 2/3 more laps of fuel in the car. This was not as instructed and i'm very disappointed that i've been cheated out of many points.

Joakim Bonnier medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
Are you really sure, you put in 35 liters for second stint? Or could have been only 25?
25 liters would match 6 laps. 35 doesn't. This would be strange than, right.
You can see the really taken fuel load in the "after-race-lap-strategy-page", but it can only be seen by you.
In any case your second stint is the riddle. That Kadam run out of fuel with such a short second stint is clearly valid. But why was your second stint so short, when there were really 35 liters in the fuel cell?

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
Had forgotton you guys can't see my fuel data, here:

Roeland W medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
bizar. Maybe they needed to take a leak.

sjhdc skajdx medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
did you enter the live view??
There was a bug which make your drivers pit at the moment you enter the live view

Lord Alexander Fermor Hesketh medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
Obviously you did nothing wrong, Peter.
Sad to see you lost your second place.
On the other hand: As frustrating this is, you are such a stron competitor, that I am sure you'll make that up again.
But I admit: That must be very frustrating.... :(

Joakim Bonnier medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
Ouch, Peter!!! Yep, that must be frustrating!

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
I did enter the live view.
Am waiting for a response for the developers, clearly this is very unfair on my team and the season as a whole - i expect something to be done.

Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
@Peter: Yes I also expect the FIA to repeat the original Malaysian GP, as Vettel has been disadvantaged by a backmarker...
No in serious:
Why not try to take it as it is: Something that happens in life and could not be changed.
Try to look forward into the future races.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
This bug is annoying though. I've had it a few times when the 2D crashes in game. Refreshing doesn't work so I have to close the 2D viewer and reopen it, and when you do all the PIT boxes are ticked. If you don't tick them quick enough your driver will pit :/

Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
Yes that's right, bus as I read in other threats that should have been allready fixed...

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
@The Leader
The difference is that your example was a racing incident. This however was not a racing incident or my fault, it's a coding error from iGP.

Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
Yes: that is also a human incident.
It's just a game: the world ist spinning anyway...
Don't grieve on past things - keep on looking forward!
That's my real opinion and conviction - as nothing really happend.

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
Nothing really happened? I lost a hatful of points which probably will be crucial come the end of the season given how close all the cars are ATM.

Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
- My father died 1 and a half years ago?
- each day 130 animal species die out because of human beeing
- ...
That matters!
iGPM is just a game - not real life!

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
True, but there's no point playing it if you don't care what result you get ...

Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 334 days ago
You completely misunderstood me:
You have reported the bug, as others did in other threads (what I asume is the same bug)
What I meant is to take that bug i.e. as an engine failure ot whatever - and going to look forward.
What other could be done?
As no one knows, what would have happened, nothing else can be done.
If the race would be repeated, it would be absolutely unfair, to the other competitors, maybe T Salminen the winner would have a tire failure (or whatever) in the redone race - he maybe also would have a re-redone race.
So my advice: stay focused and compete as hard as you can in the future - but the past can (and should) not be undone...

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 334 days ago
Actually the past could be undone, why could it not?
The first race was unfair, regardless of who is involved, it was unfair. I would be saying the same thing if this had happened to UBS or any of the other teams.
There are other satisfactory responses too such as compensation to me or my team.
So far i have had no response from the developers and am seriously reconsidering my status on this game.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 334 days ago
There were a list of problems that cropped up after we launched the Q1 update. I've just managed to resolve a fundamental problem that was likely causing several of the different bugs that have been mentioned on the forum. I'm sorry I haven't responded to this thread until now. I will address this in substance as soon as I can.

Peter Santamaria-Woods medal 5000 12 years 334 days ago
Thank you Andrew