Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 332 days ago (edited 12 years 332 days ago)
My drivers health keeps getting lower & lower after each race and not improving even tho not had race for 4 days, how can you improve driver health?
Its not so bad at the mo but if continues like this, it will go very low.
I have a doctor & gym.
Also would this have anything to do with why my pace in races is poor compared to quali in relation to others?

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
Train physical after races instead of whatever you normally do [will gain 2% health, a reduction in weight & a point in either physical or reflexes] also if you choose the doctor "staff" training option [far right] you gain 1% health & 1 morale for drivers

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
Oh and yes, it will effect race pace [unsure at what % though]

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
Why are you telling people how to play the game...

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
just the same information available from searching [Health]
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