Darek Speed medal 5000 6 years 321 days ago
Hello. For several seasons I have noticed that tactics do not affect the results of drivers. What tactics I would not use, they come together in an interval of 2-3 seconds. today, on purpose, the first driver went on one pitstop on hards and the second on 4 pitstops on supersoftach .. At the finish line they were 3 seconds and took 3rd and 4th place. My question is: if tactics do not affect the pace of drivers, what affects this? What is the system guided by when determining the pace of the race? I have more complex headquarters, better drivers, the same cars, and the pace much slower than the two winning cars. Incidentally, from one team. Why do the driver attributes have no effect on their results? Because an untrained driver is much faster than trained. So what is the purpose of the training? I will add that it is the end of the season and the cars are identical. Should not the better driver be faster with the same cars? The game uses so-called clean air, what about the wind tunnel? Why does the second-hand car have a greater air resistance than the first one? I thought the game is very complex and meanwhile it is very simple, only the algorithm is difficult to explore. And it causes that the random factor has a very big impact. I am asking for the answer of someone who is better informed. Thank you.
M S medal 5909 6 years 321 days ago
Thread moved to help and support section. Please post in correct section in future it will get you responses faster.
Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 6 years 321 days ago
That's weird, because my view on tactics is quite different. They make a lot of a difference. But the tyres are surprisingly often still sort of balanced and getting their individual tactics equally right, or wrong, they finish not too far apart. The trick is finding one that beats that equally right there with better.
Now you're in a new season so I can't see that race you mentioned and don't know whose drivers you're talking about. So it's awfully general: Pace is car, driver, tactics (tyre type and wear, weight, pits time and, for the ones way better than me, competition control), push level and tyre temperature. Driver training however has quite some effect, although admittedly Talent and Stamina dominate the attribute system. Your drivers are good so I doubt it's their fault. But as said there are lots of factors, as can be seen in competetive leagues when the cars of the dominating team struggle to get a single point once the manager isn't online.
Problem with modern F1 are the highly fine tuned aerodynamics and the dirty air. The dirty air ruins the air flow over the car and with it the downforce making a car closely follwing another much slower in the corners, not because of more air resistance. To get into the slipstream you either have to exit the corner very close behind the car in front and usually faster than him to stay inside the slipstream area until speed and with it the slipstream builds up enough to increase your acceleration. Now the effect of dirty air reaches quite further behind a car than the slipstream effect. So either your car is way better, or lighter, than the opponent or there's no way to use slipstream to any real effect and thus introducing: DRS, in reality. In game I have to admit I haven't really noticed slipstream, even if a car is that much faster to manage to stay really close behind the one in front. Having more of it would do the game good in my opinion, even if it means it's slightly less close to real F1 racing.
Unfortunately the game has to be rather simple. As an online game, and partially to be mobile friendly as well, it can't rely on clients computing power, except for looking pretty. So it's all up to the servers and as a free game not heavily cashing in on pay2win microtransactions it has to run all those races rather efficiently. So the trick is to replace physics simulations with easier calculated simulated behavior that's looking about right and still requires complex decisions by the managers. iGP does that pretty good already I think.
Anyway, while you can't completely eliminate random in this game it's really mostly control. I won't claim to have it all figured out, because I really haven't, but those serial championship winning top managers giving their really competetive top leagues headaches trying to beat them are proof of that.
Darek Speed medal 5000 6 years 321 days ago
Dobrze. Chodzi mi o zeszły sezon. Moich kierowców znasz a przeciwnicy to z zespołu adspeed. Shiattarella miał umiejętności mentalne na poziomie 7 a moi kierowcy na poziomie 12. W końcówce sezonu mój przeciwnik zatrudnił tego kierowcę i ten niewytrenowany zaczął jeździć podobnie jak jego poprzednik. A moi przecież jak sam napisałeś dobrzy kierowcy nie byli w stanie dotrzymać mu tempa. Dochodziło do tego że odjeżdżali mi a ja starałem się dotrzymać im tempa. W końcu przegrzewałem opony a oni nadal odjeżdżali. Bolidy były takie same bo to koniec sezonu. Więc według mnie właśnie umiejętności kierowców powinny być ważniejsze. A jednak tak nie było. Dlatego zastanawiam się jak duży procent stanowi czynnik losowy.
Obserwacja innych graczy pozwala wyciągnąć wniosek że nie wiedzą dlaczego utracili tempo i po wygraniu 3 razy ligi mają teraz problemy ze zdobyciem punktów. Teoeetycznie regres jest niemożliwy bo wciąż tylko się rozwijamy, a jednak coś w tym jest.
Luca themadmanluv medal 5000 6 years 280 days ago
Aside from having to use google translate because kill me but I can't read Polish (sorry if I misunderstood anything then) but did you say OVERHEATING TYRES? You lose at the very least 1/2 seconds on pace from that alone. Never ever do that else an easy win can become a freaking 6th/7th place in a blink of an eye............ Also mental skills play a part if the rest is at 20 already else you should train them last, and knowledge skill only helps when you make setups. And trust me, talent is a giant part on making the pace of two drivers. Look at mines and if you can look at the results. When I get the strategy right Juranowski demolishes Evans just because of the huge difference in talent. And she has generally lower driving skills, worse stamina and higher weight!