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European Summer Time

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medal 5002
6 years 319 days ago
Hello, maybe it's a silly question but tomorrow night clocks in Europe will be advanced by one hour due to the European Summer Time variation. Do we have to manually change the race time or will it be changed automatically?
medal 4997 Moderator
6 years 319 days ago
The league hosts have to change it manually, at least that's how it was handled so far and I haven't read anywhere there was a change to that. The problem is there's no world wide rule if or when summer time or DST is used, so the game has no way to tell if, when or how a league wants to follow DST.
medal 5002
6 years 319 days ago
The league hosts have to change it manually, at least that's how it was handled so far and I haven't read anywhere there was a change to that. The problem is there's no world wide rule if or when summer time or DST is used, so the game has no way to tell if, when or how a league wants to follow DST.

Yeah I figured as much, thank you Frank
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