Stephen Fizer medal 5000 6 years 315 days ago
What's the big deal about writing a post on all capitol letters, it was an accident, but you didn't have to close my thread because of it, would have like to have found out some info on the Race time question.
José Trujillo medal 5272 Community Manager 6 years 315 days ago
Can you send me the link to this topic?
Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 6 years 315 days ago
The reason might be that using all capital letters is considered rude. It's the written equivalent of shouting and in any case is just awful and annoying to read.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 6 years 313 days ago
Hi Stephen, the thread was closed because it's very unsightly and difficult to read. As I said previously, you are welcome to create a new thread at any time, without writing in all caps.