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Help with my League Forum page

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medal 5000
6 years 309 days ago
Hello. What is the problem of my League forum? I cant write any more. The reason is : '' Please edit or add to your previous reply instead of writing two replies in succession.''  
But i dont understand what happend. 
The league forum page is - - >

Best Solution -- Selected by Jack Basford

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 309 days ago (edited 6 years 309 days ago)
Sorry, I know what the problem is. I will fix it soon. It's code that was just added to protect against cascading posts but it has a mistake in it.

EDIT: It should be fixed now. Please check.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 309 days ago (edited 6 years 309 days ago)
Sorry, I know what the problem is. I will fix it soon. It's code that was just added to protect against cascading posts but it has a mistake in it.

EDIT: It should be fixed now. Please check.
medal 5000
6 years 309 days ago

Sorry, I know what the problem is. I will fix it soon. It's code that was just added to protect against cascading posts but it has a mistake in it.

EDIT: It should be fixed now. Please check.

Its ok now.. Thank you
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