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changes in the league

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medal 5000
6 years 302 days ago
Hi people I have a question. In the league where I am we have changed Manager, since the creator had disappeared. After this we did a survey and most preferred to change and go from having 1 car on track to having 2.

Can that change be made at some point?

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medal 5000
6 years 302 days ago
Well...that was unintended. I saw that somehow I double posted, and when I deleted 1, they both went away.

I said that it was/is not possible to switch from 1 car teams to 2 car teams and keep the same league. You have to start a new league
medal 5088
6 years 302 days ago
As Greg says, you can't change the number of cars per team without creating a new league.
medal 5000
6 years 302 days ago
Well...that was unintended. I saw that somehow I double posted, and when I deleted 1, they both went away.

I said that it was/is not possible to switch from 1 car teams to 2 car teams and keep the same league. You have to start a new league
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