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Facebook Login Not Working?

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medal 5446 CEO & CTO
6 years 323 days ago (edited 6 years 319 days ago)
UPDATE (16 Apr 11:00 GMT): Facebook have now resolved the issue. We will presume nobody is having problems any more unless someone reports otherwise.

UPDATE (14 Apr 09:35 GMT): This is an issue with Facebook, not iGP Manager. After being reported consistently by dozens of developers, Facebook are now rolling out a fix. Unfortunately, Facebook's 'fix' so far is not working, and all developers are reporting that the issue persists in the bug report.

Temporary solutions:

Solution 1: Log out of Facebook on your device

  1. Log out of the Facebook app and website (clearing data for the App will also work)

  2. Return to iGP Manager

  3. Login with Facebook in iGP Manager

  4. You will be prompted to login to Facebook again, after which you should be successfully logged in to iGP Manager

NOTE: This method will need to be repeated every time you want to login to an account using Facebook.

Solution2: Uninstall the Facebook App
We only recommend trying this is Method 1 didn't work, otherwise it might be overkill.

  1. Uninstall the Facebook app

  2. Return to iGP Manager

  3. Login with Facebook in iGP Manager

Solution3: Use Password Recovery

  1. On the start screen select 'Recover Password' at the bottom of the screen

  2. Enter the email address that would have been associated with your Facebook account at the time you created your iGP Manager account with it

  3. A password for the account will be sent to that email address

  4. Get the password from the email

  5. Return to iGP Manager

  6. Select 'Sign in with iGP Manager' instead

  7. Enter the email address and password

medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
It's been happening since yesterday, 04/11, at 6 pm (GMT-3) approx. I don't have the Facebook app installed but I have my session opened on Chrome.

Any suggestions?
medal 5671 Community Manager
6 years 323 days ago
Try logging out from Chrome and logging back in.
medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
When will it be fixed as none of them are working for me and I can't get back in my account as I log in and out to use my 2nd account 
medal 5088
6 years 323 days ago

When will it be fixed as none of them are working for me and I can't get back in my account as I log in and out to use my 2nd account 

What happened when you tried the third method?
medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
I enter my Facebook email but then it takes me to a old account I don't use anymore and not the one I'm trying to get in. I can only do it by pressing on Facebook to login 
medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
Não consigo logar, já enviei várias vezes pra resetar a senha é nenhuma resposta, tá bem complicado a situação do jogo, que anda travando mais que tudo e ainda vive com esses bugs
medal 5088
6 years 323 days ago

I enter my Facebook email but then it takes me to a old account I don't use anymore and not the one I'm trying to get in. I can only do it by pressing on Facebook to login 

Okay, please e-mail with the account's profile, team, and league name so I can help you recover your account.
Não consigo logar, já enviei várias vezes pra resetar a senha é nenhuma resposta, tá bem complicado a situação do jogo, que anda travando mais que tudo e ainda vive com esses bugs

Hi Bruninho, please write in English so we can assist you better. Please e-mail with the account's profile, team, and league name so I can help you recover your account.
medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
I cleared Facebook data and all seems ok.but later when i used Facebook the problem appear again
medal 5088
6 years 323 days ago
I cleared Facebook data and all seems ok.but later when i used Facebook the problem appear again

Were you able to get back into your account using Method #2 again? If not, did you try Method #3?
medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
Email isent working now lol sorry will have to post on here my info.
Name is john bradshaw
League is world formula championship
team name is bradshaw F1 Team.
medal 5446 CEO & CTO
6 years 323 days ago (edited 6 years 323 days ago)
I cleared Facebook data and all seems ok.but later when i used Facebook the problem appear again

That's what we expect. If you need to use method 1 you will need to repeat it each time you login.

I believe we have located the problem now. It seems Facebook deprecated a version of their API that we are using on the day that issues started and we were caught napping. It also confused us because it was the same day/moment virtually that we upgraded to PHP7, so we looked at PHP first assuming that was the problem and went on a bit of a wild goose chase. :(

Hopefully we can apply a fix for this today. It may require an app update, we are still investigating the exact source of the issue, but have some very good leads now.
medal 5000
6 years 323 days ago
Got race at 6, looks like not gonna be able to join it :( 
medal 5000
6 years 322 days ago
Sziasztok nem tudok belépni!!!
medal 5000
6 years 322 days ago
When will it be fixed I've missed my race now 
medal 5000
6 years 322 days ago
Se logar pelo site consegue, pois eu fiz...
Só da erro pelo App
medal 5446 CEO & CTO
6 years 322 days ago (edited 6 years 322 days ago)
UPDATE: this has now been demonstrated to be a Facebook bug. After being reported consistently by dozens of developers, Facebook are now rolling out a fix:
medal 5758
6 years 321 days ago
Had no problem with logging in except for a blank page with this, [] ,in the top left corner, hit refresh and it was fine.  Loaded as normal then and then again a few minutes later. Is just a mobile app issue? Also Jack did you happen to race F1 on xbox 360? 
medal 5446 CEO & CTO
6 years 321 days ago
Had no problem with logging in except for a blank page with this, [] ,in the top left corner, hit refresh and it was fine.  Loaded as normal then and then again a few minutes later. Is just a mobile app issue? Also Jack did you happen to race F1 on xbox 360? 

Nope. I did get it on XBox One, although never went online. I founded a simracing team years ago (they are now Coanda Simsport) but that's another story!
medal 5758
6 years 321 days ago
iRacing is it? Never got into that although it was probably the best way to go. Had a contact with the tag Jack Brazza but haven't seen him for years. Thought it may, on an outside chance, have been you. 
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