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Design points management

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medal 5000
6 years 299 days ago
Hi everyone, 
anyone knows if It possible to store or have negative design points? 
I mean at the end of a race my team has 15 points if I use only 10, the other 5 are added to next race points or what? Same question if I use 20 points: I would have 10 points instead of 15 next race? What if I store or go negative at the end of the season?
medal 5088
6 years 299 days ago
Hi, if you don't use design points, they will remain unused. When a new season begins the unused design points will disappear.
medal 5000
6 years 299 days ago (edited 6 years 299 days ago)
Hi, if you don't use design points, they will remain unused. When a new season begins the unused design points will disappear.

Thank you.
With unused you mean lost or stored?

If I use more points than I have, what happens?

medal 5909
6 years 299 days ago
Hi Andrea, if you don't use design points then they are stored so if you use 5 of 10 next race you will have 15 so you can use them in next race. You cannot go over the design points available to you so you can't go into negative design points. 
medal 5000
6 years 299 days ago (edited 6 years 299 days ago)
Hi Andrea, if you don't use design points then they are stored so if you use 5 of 10 next race you will have 15 so you can use them in next race. You cannot go over the design points available to you so you can't go into negative design points. 

Hi, thank for your answer. 

I've noted that when assigning points I can go negative (sure of this), I've never saved after that to avoid problems. Maybe it's impossible to save assignment in that case, but it's quite strange to me. If going negative it's forbidden, I'd expect that the game just doesn't allow to assign points that are not available.

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