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tire wear

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medal 5000
6 years 299 days ago
How many laps does each tire last 
medal 5320
6 years 299 days ago
It isn't possible to give a single figure.

It depends on the track, tyre economy and push level. SS can be anywhere between 4 and 10 (roughly) before they start to drop off.

You can work it out roughly from your practice laps. As an example,

Practice lap on SS says 16%.  S will be 8% M 4% and H 2% for your first lap assuming push level 3 (which is what practice laps are run at)

NB: Tyre wear isn't a straight line it gets less with each lap. 

This bit isn't easy to explain and won't be totally accurate but here goes. to make it easier let's assume practice lap says 10%. After lap 1 you will have 90% remaining. each subsequent lap will be 90% of the tyre remaining on the previous lap so rather than 90/80/70/60/50/40 it will go something like 90/81/73/65/59/53

medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 299 days ago
Hi James.
It's very much as I.B. says. If this is your only account you seem to be very new to the game. To add to I.B's response, IMHO the two most important success factors in this game are experience and data.
A good starting point for information are Joey McLane's two guides:

Experience you will gain as you play the game
Data... So important, collect as much data as you can about each race, it will serve you well in future. It's never to soon to start collecting it, if you're a data junkie like me you can generate this sort of information...

medal 5000
6 years 298 days ago
Thanks u so much you guys are a big help if i have any other questions I will ask 
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