I got a problem with my drivers getting switched around or going with the infamous repair the car when it's fixed already bug but this time I am really p***ed off because I didn't sell anyone and I even resetted my drivers yet the bug still happened (and now I am in a race with only my 1st driver too!). So what is the problem? I honestly don't know why, but at times my 2nd driver does decide to say that i need to repair a car which is in perfect conditions and this time when I switched around the drivers first it switched around 1st seat and 2nd seat so I couldn't do tests with the guy (Evans btw) so I switch back the seats somehow then suddenly I get into race see one car check back and see it's Jonhson in the second seat which, having only 61% of health, wasn't even fit to race! AND I DID THE PRACTICE WITH EVANS! So, wtf is actually going on here? (reference image about why I say these names is https://imgur.com/3TsQQS7 in the case the image is broken in the post)
And this means the bug can affect EVERYONE and not just someone that just sold an active driver so this is a big one imo.