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new season

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medal 5000
6 years 298 days ago
just a quick question from a newbie, i got promoted first season in a league where theres three regular players, and left because of this, but stupidly came back and my car was reset and i was given points to improve my car a little, yet first race new season i got a 1-2 are all cars reset or was it luck, as my times were as quick as the other cars that battered me in the first season,
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 298 days ago
It was lucky, because as a Rookie moving to Pro, your car should get at least 20 points in some parts.
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 298 days ago
I move this topic to Help and Support.
medal 5000
6 years 297 days ago
i thought that but then, in second race same again 1-2 finish, with my cars dominating again, 
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
Paul, from the looks of it you are the only team doing practice laps. So you are most likely the only active manager in Pro. This will give you three to four seconds per lap on the inactive teams no matter how much better their cars or drivers are.
You should be winning every race since you are the only one setting up the car for a race.
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
there was 3-4 in the rookie league, now they don't seem bothered, what is best to do??
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 296 days ago
Elite is empty in your current league so I'd say find a nice active league to race in. Pro is often the best tier for that because it's usually the easiest one to find an empty spot in the more popular ones. But switching leagues will reset your car again, so you'll might get relegated again, especially if you don't join early into the season. But don't worry, racing in a nice league is totally worth it.
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
Can you tell me what are the best stats for the techinical designer?
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 296 days ago
TD is just stars, ability/mental/physical attributes appear to be meaningless at the moment. 5 star is best.
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