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Sponsor Bonuses

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medal 5000
6 years 298 days ago
Can anyone explain to me why there are sponsors with the same income (3 tokens) but then different bonuses? I assume that the way the bonuses are set are easier/harder. Is there anyway to know how each sponsor sets their targets. 

Best Solution -- Selected by Yunus Unia Blunion

medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
The bonuses aren't set easier or harder, your sponsor target is made up from your last result, so when you ended 12th last race it can be 10, or when you finished 2nd now it can be first.
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
The bonuses aren't set easier or harder, your sponsor target is made up from your last result, so when you ended 12th last race it can be 10, or when you finished 2nd now it can be first.
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