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More statistic for league

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medal 5000
6 years 317 days ago
1: I would suggest more statistic in each league for example - fastest laps table, wins and podiums table, pole positions etc etc. For each season. It would make it so much interesting.  

2. It's mad that we cant see where someone won the championship under the stats sections. I suggest making it possible to click on the stat and then it shows us the championship someone won for example, i would suggest to be made the same for all the stats. 

These two should not be too hard for you guys to implement, considering you already have statistic code/engine. 

3. It would be better that we see managers car and the team sign when we click on the manager name. Because you cant see their car anywhere except on the track now.
medal 5000
6 years 316 days ago
I have to say I agree with suggestion 1 & 3, as a league owner I would love to have some of these to increase the diversity between leagues. But I don't really understand sugg.2, you can already see which league you won the championship in unless you are talking about showing which race that the person won the championship at. But I agree that showing how many of each championship that was won would be good, and showing more statistics in general on the stats page would be super!
medal 5000
6 years 316 days ago
I meant that you could click on the championships stats and there it would show you in which league you won it. 
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