Mattias Lundman medal 5000 12 years 326 days ago (edited 12 years 326 days ago)
There's a thing i can't understand:
This doctor has a rating of 9 on his stats
By looking on my doctor's tree (
https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=team-staff/82728) it looks like she's awesome, but her rating is only 4, how can that be?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 325 days ago
I think this was something that was pointed out before but I cannot remember what the reply was - doh
It does look odd though.

Mattias Lundman medal 5000 12 years 325 days ago
Yeah it's really odd, the question is however; does my doctor behave as a level 4 or as the stats say?

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 325 days ago
From experience and not to be taken as absolute FACT
He behaves as a level 4 doctor regardless of what the graph says, since staff levels cannot be improved & his rating is not shown on the graph [+ what is shown in the graph, would no way decide how skilled they are]
Also relevant for all other staff, and not just doctors

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 324 days ago
Am i right in thinking that the graph therefore shows how good the staff member is at the level they are at?
The example above would show that the doctor is an excellent level 4 doctor and has nothing to do with how good she would be at level 5 or above?

Mattias Lundman medal 5000 12 years 322 days ago
That could be the case, 'cos my doctor's blue bar indicates that it's very close to level up, but that never happens. I would really appreciate someone explaining how the staffs' ratings really work.

Gyuri VanLittas medal 5000 12 years 322 days ago
Well i guess staff never levels up, just increases in experience, if you have good results and morale, and doctor can be increased in random attributes....!

René van der K medal 5000 12 years 322 days ago
I too think it's fairly confusing, still. If I remember correctly you have to look at it like this: the overall level is the diameter of a pie, the attributes are how the pie is distributed over the guests. So in case of Doctor Brooklyn White above, mr. Experience received just as much of the pie as mr. Morale. Doctor Romanowski's pie is much larger: size 9, so he has more to distribute over the guests.
So the size of the green peaks towards the attributes merely indicate the ratio of the pie distribution over the attibutes, and a higher rating means a larger pie..
That make sense? :-/

Mattias Lundman medal 5000 12 years 322 days ago
I'd love for some pie now! :)
Yeah i think i get what you're saying; the rating of a staff member tells you how good their maximum performance is, as David also said

Don Poppele medal 5000 12 years 277 days ago
Why can't staff gain experience in the same manner as the driver and managers do? It would make sense to me that the longer people work at a job, the better they would get at doing the job. Obviously, this would not be the case in all circumstances, and a randomizer could be built in to account for people who have achieved their maximum level of expertise, but this would better reflect reality.