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Can't create a new league

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medal 5000
6 years 294 days ago
Hi. I made a league the other day but disbanded it to make a new one with a new league name and description. Now it says that i can't create a new league. Why is that?

medal 5088
6 years 294 days ago
You can only be the host of one league at a time. I have deleted the league, so now you should be able to create a new one.
medal 5000
6 years 293 days ago
Thanks you :)

I left the league but was it still active?
medal 5000
6 years 293 days ago
You may have left the league, but you may still have been its host. You need to transfer hosting of the league to someone else before being able to host another league. 
medal 5000
6 years 285 days ago
Oh ok thanks. I was the only one so transfering wasn't an option really. Maybe that should be sorted.
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