Dan Cross medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
Malaysian Grand Prix is currently being played out in the league I am participating in ("Formula Nonsense"), but there seems to be an issue with live timing on both versions of live timing.
It was stuck on lap 7 and showing no new sector times after 15 minutes of running, and now it has gone back to lap 2?

Dan Cross medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
Just to also say, I've tried accessing live timing from both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, as well as deleting the cache from each browser. No difference.

George Henze medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
It seems to have reset itself and it sucks, to be frankly. I was running first and after this reset I suddenly run last. What's happening here?

George Henze medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
Is it possible to re-run the race?

Dan Cross medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
I would second that request to have the race re-run.

Matt Squires medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
Same here. The game just went crazy - the weather stated it was raining so I pitted for wets, then went incredibly slow and ended up last. Eventually I decided to pit for dry tyres as everyone else was putting in times around 1min 38...and the game stated I refitted wet tyres. Wtf's that about?!

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
Looks like all the races running restarted, re-run might be possible, although league host will need to request it, and Jack/Andrew would need to do it.. I'm in your race just now [just to make sure theres no further problems]
EDIT: Live Weather is heavy rain[from 2d] a lot of people are still running hards etc

Matt Squires medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
That's what seems so odd about it, I fitted the wets due to the weather stating heavy rain and couldn't get any tyre temp, yet the conditions appear to be dry

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 321 days ago
Race restarted with permission of host.

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 321 days ago
Problem is that the race in restarted mode has totally different weather (now dry with some clouds) so my setup and strategy is totally borked. Why do I bother?

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 321 days ago
Race should be re-run again in right weather or rebooted to run again next week with new weather prediction.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 321 days ago
That is why we ask the host to make the final call. Please let him know how you would like these situations handled in future and he can put that request to us if/when it happens again.

Michael Yass medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
It hasn't caused such chaos with the weather this time, but it's just reset again... Got to lap 42 and then went back to the start

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 321 days ago
I've temporarily stopped practice lap times simulation again until I have a window with no races where I can restart the simulator to fix this problem. Your race should run to completion now. Terribly sorry about this.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 320 days ago
I've re-enabled them now. This problem should be fixed.